556572-4126 Employees 4 pcs Revenue 2 386 kSEK Registration 1999 HideContacts Visiting address Delary Industripark 2343 95 ÄlmhultSweden Postal address Delary Industripark 2343 95 ÄlmhultSweden Home page Phone 0476-42244 HideCompany info Supplier categories processes Manufacturing - Contractor Automation (Temporary position) HideVisiting address To navigate, press the arrow keys. HideOur processes Bending of sheets Press brake Round bending of sheets Electric erosion Wire EDM Fräsning - Vertikal 3-axis CNC milling 5-axis milling Klippning Klippning med gradsax Lacquering Spray Painting Laser cutting Laser cutting 2D Welding MAG welding MAG-svetsning - Robotsvetsning MIG welding Plasma welding TIG welding Connect this supplier to my account