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Selective deposition lamination, SDL

Additive manufacturing method where the cross section of the detail is cut into paper which is then successively glued to the previous layer.

Illustration of Selective deposition lamination, SDL

The process

Details are created on a building platform, which is supplied with a sheet of paper from a feed roller. On the sheet of paper, glue is applied at a higher density on the cross section of the detail and lower density on the surrounding area.

A tungsten carbide knife, cuts a cross section of the detail on the paper and a square pattern on excess material. After each layer, the building platform is lowered and fed with a new sheet of paper.

This process is repeated for each layer till a finished part is obtained. Finishing is required in the form of removal of the excess paper.

Some printer models can produce full color objects by coloring the outer edges of the cross sections on each layer.