Surface coating process where the workpiece through two subsequent anode-cathode reactions is coated with two or more layers of nickel. HideBeskrivning The process The surface coating of the workpiece in this method consists of about 2/3 of a lower layer of semi-gloss sulfur free nickel and 1/3 of an upper layer consisting out of a thinner and a glossier layer of sulfur-containing nickel. In some cases, a layer of nickel having a high sulfur content is added between those layers. The outer layer here creates extra protection from corrosion so, the top layer is consumed before the lower layer can be attacked. The layers are created by the workpiece acting as a cathode and the surface coating agent acting as an anode connected to a power source and immersed in a solution. An anode-cathode reaction occurs, creating a thin layer of nickel on the surface of the workpiece. This is done in two stages to create the two layers. Multi-layer nickel plating