Additive manufacturing where a powder is bound together layer by layer using a binder agent to create a 3D-object. HideBeskrivning The process A powder material [1] is spread out in a thin and even layer on a building platform [2] using a roller [3]. A print head then applies a binder agent to the cross section of the detail to bind the powder. The process is repeated while the platform is lowered gradually. Thus building up a detail that depending on the binder and powder can be solid or porous. Usually the part is prost processed by a curing process to create a solid detail that can be used for the intended application. Metal powder-based binder jetting undergoes subsequent sintering to create a final solid detail. 3D sand printing is a similar method commonly used to create complex castings of sand or ceramic material. Unused powder is recycled. Binder jetting HideProcess photos HideProcess films HideProduct examples PrevNext123English translation unavailable for .English translation unavailable for .English translation unavailable for .