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Fused Deposition Modeling, FDM

Additive manufacturing method in which a detail is created layer by layer by melting a plastic wire and applying it through a heated nozzle.

Illustration of Fused Deposition Modeling, FDM

The process

The product is formed on a mobile building platform [1]. A plastic wire [2] is fed through rollers [3] pushing the thread through a heated nozzle [4] where the wire is heated and then ejected from the nozzle at constant speed to build a cross section of the CAD model.

After each layer, the building platform is lowered and the next layer is added.

If necessary, a supporting structure is also printed [5] to allow overhangs.

Post-processing in the form of removal of these support structures is required.

Grinding, waxing or heating of the surfaces may be required if higher surface finish is desired.

Product examples
AM-test : FDM rensad
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Advantages and disadvantages
In comparison with alternative methods
Commercially available
A wide range of polymeric materials can be used
High material utilization
Cheap machines
Unsuitable for detailed products
Unsuitable for thin-walled products
Support is needed in some cases