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Ultrasonic Consolidation, UC

Additive manufacturing by ultrasonic welding of metal foil which is then milled to the required geometry.

Illustration of Ultrasonic Consolidation, UC

The process

In UC-processing both welding and milling operations are performed in multiple steps.

A:  Metal foil [1] is rolled out one by one under a sonotrode [2], which is a cylindrical tool that welds the foil against the previous layers of foil using ultrasonic vibration under high pressure. This sequence is repeated until the target surface is covered by a layer of metal foil.

B:  With conventional milling excess foil is removed before a new layer of foil is applied.

A and B are repeated until the detail is completed.

Often coarse milling is done until a built thickness of 5mm is reached. Then fine milling is carried out to achieve better tolerances. There is thus no post-processing of the finished part.

HideAdvantages and disadvantages
In comparison with alternative methods
Smooth surface finish
No atmosphere control required
Low energy consumption
High wastage